Жанры аудиокниг : Myths, Legends & Fairy Tales
Topaz Story Book: Stories and Legends of Autumn, Hallowe'en, and Thanksgiving
Ada M. Skinner, Eleanor L. Skinner
Ballad of the White Horse (Version 3)
G. K. Chesterton
Fates of the Princes of Dyfed
Cenydd Morus
Kabumpo in Oz (version 2)
Ruth Plumly Thompson
My Book of Favourite Fairy Tales (version 2)
Edric Vredenberg
Silver Princess in Oz
Ruth Plumly Thompson
Junior Classics Volume 4: Heroes and Heroines of Chivalry
William Patten
Outa Karel’s Stories: South African Folk-Lore Tales
Sanni Metelerkamp
Irish Fairy Tales
James Stephens
Swanhilde, and other Fairy Tales
Wilhelm Hauff
Junior Classics Volume 2: Folk Tales & Myths
Various, William Patten