Аудиокнига: Two Gentlemen of Verona

Two Gentlemen of Verona cover

Two Gentlemen of Verona

1 - Dramatis Personae


Жанры аудиокниг



The Two Gentlemen of Verona is the earliest comedy written by Shakespeare (and possibly his first play), probably written around 1590-91. It focuses on two friends, Valentine and Proteus, whose friendship is disrupted by their mutual passion for the lovely Silvia. Proteus jilts Julia in order to pursue Silvia; she responds by enlisting the help of her maid Lucetta to dress as a boy and go after Proteus. The play also includes some wonderfully comic supporting characters, particularly Launce and his scene-stealing dog Crab. (Summary by Elizabeth Klett)

Antonio: Ernst Pattynama
Duke of Milan/First Outlaw: Algy Pug
Eglamour: Amy Gramour
Host: Adrian Praetzellis
Julia: Elizabeth Klett
Launce: Arielle Lipshaw
Lucetta: Availle
Panthino: Peter Bishop
Proteus: Denny Sayers
Second Outlaw: Christopher Sanner
Silvia: Elizabeth Barr
Speed: David Goldfarb
Third Outlaw: Jared Klett
Thurio: Matthew Reece
Valentine: mb
Narrator: Elizabeth Klett
And featuring Oscar as Crab the dog.

Audio edited by Elizabeth Klett

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