Аудиокнига: Maid's Tragedy


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Beaumont and Fletcher's The Maid's Tragedy (first published 1619) is a sensational Jacobean sex tragedy. When gentleman soldier Melantius returns to Rhodes, he finds his dear friend Amintor is recently married - but not to his troth-plight love Aspatia (the maid of the title). Instead, the King has arranged a match between Amintor and Melantius' sister, the beautiful Evadne. On his wedding night, Amintor finds that his new wife has married him under false pretenses - and this unleashes a torrent of dire consequences, sexual, emotional, and ultimately political. (Summary by Elizabeth Klett)

Cleon: David Nicol
Strato: Algy Pug
Lysippus: mb
Diphilus/Messenger/First Gentleman: Marty Kris
Melantius: David Goldfarb
Aspatia: Arielle Lipshaw
Amintor: Peter Bishop
Calianax: Andy Minter
King: Bruce Pirie
Evadne/Diagoras/Narrator: Elizabeth Klett
Night/Antiphila: Availle
Cynthia/Olympias: Skylark
Neptune: Bob Gonzalez
Eolus/Servant: Barry Eads
Dula: Beth Thomas
Lady: Bev J. Stevens

Audio edited by Elizabeth Klett

Вы слушаете Maid's Tragedy - Francis Beaumont, John Fletcher.
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