Аудиокнига: Junior Classics Volume 10, part 2: Poems Old and New

Junior Classics Volume 10, part 2: Poems Old and New
1 - Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard by Thomas Gray
Жанры аудиокниг
The order of the poems have been arranged according to age from first through eight grade. Grades I – IV are contained in part 1. This collection of poems in part 2 begins with Grade V and Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard by Thomas Gray. Grade VI begins with The Barefoot Boy by John G. Whittier. Grade VII begins with Ye Mariners of England by Thomas Campbell. Grade VIII begins with The Rhodora, On Being Asked, "Whence is the Flower" by Ralph W. Emerson. - Summary by Linette G
Вы слушаете Junior Classics Volume 10, part 2: Poems Old and New - William Patten.
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