Аудиокнига: Shores of the Polar Sea: A Narrative of the Arctic Expedition of 1875-6

Shores of the Polar Sea: A Narrative of the Arctic Expedition of 1875-6 cover

Shores of the Polar Sea: A Narrative of the Arctic Expedition of 1875-6

1 - Chapter 1


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"THE ARCTIC EXPEDITION of 1875 left England on 29th May, crossed the Atlantic to Davis Straits in a succession of storms, and entered the Arctic regions on 4th July. It sailed with orders to 'attain the highest northern latitude, and, if possible, reach the Pole.'" This is the story of the crew of the HMS Alert, on its voyage of exploration up the Baffin Sea and toward northern Greenland.

LibriVox volunteers wish to thank the volunteers of Distributed Proofreaders for their work over the last 20 years to convert public domain books into e-books. "Shores of the Polar Sea" was DP's 35,000th title.

Congratulations and Happy 20th Anniversary Distributed Proofreaders!

(Summary by MaryAnn, LV reader and DP proofer).

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