Аудиокнига: Selected Poems of Oscar Wilde

Selected Poems of Oscar Wilde cover

Selected Poems of Oscar Wilde

1 - The Ballad of Reading Gaol, I


Жанры аудиокниг



This is a selection of the early poetry of Oscar Wilde, selected by Robert Ross. As he puts it, "It is thought that a selection from Oscar Wilde’s early verses may be of interest to a large public at present familiar only with the always popular Ballad of Reading Gaol, also included in this volume. The poems were first collected by their author when he was twenty-six years old, and though never, until recently, well received by the critics, have survived the test of NINE editions. Readers will be able to make for themselves the obvious and striking contrasts between these first and last phases of Oscar Wilde’s literary activity. The intervening period was devoted almost entirely to dramas, prose, fiction, essays, and criticism." - Summary by Carolin and Robert Ross

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