Аудиокнига: Pictures of the Apostolic Church: Its Life and Teaching

Pictures of the Apostolic Church: Its Life and Teaching
1 - Preface and Introduction: Luke and his Message
Жанры аудиокниг
This book consists of fifty-two Sections, fifty of which were written for ‘The Sunday School Times’ in comment upon the International Lessons of 1909. Each is complete in itself; but the subjects were chosen so as to work together into a series of typical pictures of the life, the teaching, and the development of the early Church.
The growth of the Church was determined by progressive revelation to the earliest Christians through the indwelling Spirit, and by clearer comprehension on their part of the Divine purpose. Perception of this principle guided Luke in selecting and grouping the facts which he records. He knew much that he did not incorporate in his history. He gave space in his pages to events and persons according as they influenced the growth of the Church; and the present writer tries simply to follow the scale set by Luke. - Summary by Preface
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