Аудиокнига: Danger in Deep Space (Dramatic Reading)


Жанры аудиокниг



The year is 2353. Tom Corbett is a cadet with the Space Academy, training to become a member of the elite Solar Guard. Sent on a top-secret mission across the stars, Tom and his fellow crew members discover the nature of true loyalty, as they battle against danger in deep space. (Summary by Stuart Bell.)

Cast list:
Narrator: Sam Holloway
Major Connel: Padraig O'hIceadha
Tom Corbett: David Ault
Roger Manning: Matt Baker
Bill Loring & Captain Jenledge: Matthew Ward
Mr Shinny & Captain Strong: Peter Yearsley
Astro: Megan Argo
Al Mason: MGVestal
Alfie Higgins & Jet Liner San Francisco: Patti Cunningham
Terry Scott: Brett W. Downey
Captain Stefens & Restaurant Voice: Stuart Bell
Commander Walters & James Jardine: David Sloan
Enlisted Guard & First Skipper: Jody Bly
Leland Bangs: David Lawrence
Spaceport Control: Laurie Anne Walden
Central Communicator: Ernst Pattynama
Edited By: Stuart Bell
Prooflisteners: Matt Baker and Micky

Вы слушаете Danger in Deep Space (Dramatic Reading) - Carey Rockwell.
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