Audiolibro: Quest of the Historical Jesus

Quest of the Historical Jesus cover

Quest of the Historical Jesus

1 - Preface, by F.C. Burkitt


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In this book, Schweitzer traces the historical progress of 'Historical Jesus' research, from Hermann Reimarus in the mid 18th century, to William Wrede at the turn of the 20th. Schweitzer showed how Jesus' image had changed with the times and with the personal proclivities of the various authors. He concluded with his own synopsis and interpretation of what had been learned over the course of the previous century. He took the position that the life of Jesus must be interpreted in the light of Jesus' own convictions, which he characterized as those of late Jewish eschatology. (Introduction from Wikipedia, modified by JoeD)

This project was proof listened by Tim Ferreira, Goergedave, Betty M., Phil Chenevert, and Guero.

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