Audiolibro: Early Cave-Men

Early Cave-Men
1 - 1- Why People Wanted to Live in Caves: 2- How the FireClan got a cave; 3- The First Night in the Cave
- Download 1- Why People Wanted to Live in Caves: 2- How the FireClan got a cave; 3- The First Night in the Cave audio
- Download 4 - How the Fire Clan Got Rid of Sabre-tooth; 5 - Preparations for the Feast; 6 - The Feast audio
- Download 7 - How the Cave was Made Ready for a Winter Home; 8 - How the Cave-men Bored Holes Through Their Trophies; 9 - Making New Weapons audio
- Download 10 - How the Women Dressed Sabre-tooth’s Skin 11 - How the Cave-men Made Clothing; 12 - The Fire Clan audio
- Download 13 - How the Cave-men Spent the Winter; 14 - What the Cave-men Got from the Birch Trees; 15 - The Flood audio
- Download 16 - What the Cave-men Lost in the Flood; 17 - The Council; 18 - The Way to the Fire Country audio
- Download 19 - How Firekeeper Made the Skin Water Bag; 20 - Why Firekeeper Made a Door; 21 - The Stranger that Came Toward the Cave audio
- Download 22 - The Journey to the Fire Country; 23 - The Return from the Fire Country; 24 - Strongarm Makes a Great Discovery audio
- Download 25 - How the Cave-men Received Strongarm; 26 - The Thanksgiving Feast; 27 - What the Women Got from Spruce Trees audio
- Download 28 - How the Women Made Splints for Baskets; 29 - How the Women Wove Splints; 30 - How the Women Colored their Baskets audio
- Download 31 - How the Cave-men Carried their Burdens; 32 - A Mammoth Hunt; 33 - How the Cave-men Divided the Mammoth audio
- Download 34 - Strongarm Tells Firekeeper His Secret; 35 - How People Know What the Cave-men Did audio
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The People Who Wanted To Live in Caves. This little book takes us back to the time when our ancestors lived, or wanted to live, in caves. Unfortunately the caves of that time were mostly used by large animals like the Sabre Toothed Tiger and bears who could easily kill and eat our ancestors. Thus the subtitle of this book is The Age of Combat. This book, aimed at children, tries to show how certain things could have taken place to enable our species to eke out a living alongside the much stronger beasts, such as why we wanted to live in caves; the hazards and rewards of living in caves; the taming of fire; and how early tools were invented. This book follows on The Tree Dwellers, and is followed by The Later Cave-Men. - Summary by Phil Chenevert
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