Audiolibro: Soaked In Seaweed and 7 other nonsense novels

Soaked In Seaweed and 7 other nonsense novels
1 - 1 - Soaked in Seaweed: or, Upset in the Ocean
- Download 1 - Soaked in Seaweed: or, Upset in the Ocean audio
- Download 2 - Maddened by Mystery: or, The Defective Detective audio
- Download 3 - "Q." A Psychic Pstory of the Psupernatural audio
- Download 4 - Guido the Gimlet of Ghent: A Romance of Chivalry audio
- Download 5 - The Man in Asbestos: an Allegory of the Future audio
- Download 6 - Sorrows of a Super Soul: or, The Memoirs of Marie Mushenough audio
- Download 7 - A Hero in Homespun: or, The Life Struggle of Hezekiah Hayloft audio
- Download 8 - Caroline's Christmas: or, The Inexplicable Infant audio
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8 great spoofs of 'types' of fiction by the premier Canadian humorist Leacock, taken from his book Nonsense Novels. The title of each parody gives away its genre: Soaked in Seaweed or, Upset in the Ocean; Maddened by Mystery: or, The Defective Detective; "Q." A Psychic Pstory of the Psupernatural; Guido the Gimlet of Ghent: A Romance of Chivalry; The Man in Asbestos: an Allegory of the Future; Sorrows of a Super Soul: or, The Memoirs of Marie Mushenough; A Hero in Homespun: or, The Life Struggle of Hezekiah Hayloft and Caroline's Christmas: or, The Inexplicable Infant. If you enjoy take offs and parodies, the stories in this collection are for you. See how many types you recognize as you listen and laugh. (Summary by phil chenevert)
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