Audiolibro: Mucedorus

Mucedorus cover


1 - Act 1


Géneros de audiolibros



The 1610 edition says it is by Shakespeare, and the play was in a volume of Shakespeare in the library of Charles the Second. But, well, likely not actually a Shakespeare.... Perhaps by Robert Green (1558 - 1592)

This play is mentioned as being popular in the 1611 Beaumont and Fletcher play 'The Knight of the Burning Pestle';. In fact, Mucedorus 'was enormously successful. This absurd play, with the merits and defects of a nursery tale, was acted by strolling companies everywhere till long after the Commonwealth, and passed through seventeen editions between 1598 and 1700, a record unequaled in the history of the pre-Restoration drama.' - Summary by ToddHW and Tucker Brooke

Cast list:
The King: Jim Locke
Rombelo: David Purdy
King Valentia: blueriveriris
Mucedorus, the Prince of Valentia: Jake Malizia
Anselmo: llamaart
Amadine, the King's daughter of Arragon: Jenn Broda
Segasto, a Nobleman: Larry Wilson
Enuie (Envy): Sonia
Tremelio, a Captaine: Rob Marland
Bremo, a wilde man: Alan Mapstone
Comedy: Joanna Michal Hoyt
Roderigo: Rapunzelina
An ould woman: Scotty Smith
Ariana, Amadine's maide: Joanna Michal Hoyt
Collen, a Counseller: Anna Maria
A messenger: Adrian Stephens
Mouse the Clown: ToddHW
Stage Directions: Estefanía Vidal
Editing: ToddHW

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