Audiolibro: Little Dramas for Primary Grades

Little Dramas for Primary Grades cover

Little Dramas for Primary Grades

1 - Bunny Rabbit and the Lion


Géneros de audiolibros



37 short and very short plays for young children - David O

Linette Geisel: Camel(1), Big Black Dog(2), First Child(4), Camel(5), Grandma(6), Red Fox(11), Child(12), First Pig(13), Mrs. Dove(14), Third Chick(15), Littlest Fir Tree(16), French Doll(17), Mary(19), Camel(20), Sparrow(21), Mrs. Sparrow(22), Sheep(23), Little Tree(24), Columbine(25), Rose(26), Lobster(28), Jellyfish(29), Flowers(33), Sanja(34), Tree(35), Camel(36)
Tomas Peter: Lion(1), Odd Man(2), Lion(5), Fisherman(8), Hans(11), Fifth Pig(13), Mr. Jay(14), First Chick(15), Santa Claus(16), Tin Soldier(17), Old Year(19), Man(20), Thrush(21), Mr. Sparrow(22), Cow(23), Woodcutter(24), Spring(25), Fir Tree(26), Hunter(27), Tom(28), Turtle(29), Gluck(31), Black Bear(33), Third Lord Jizu(34), Brahman(35), Elephant(36)
sashelliott: Jackal(1), Elephant(5), Fourth Pig(13), Second Mouse(17), Tiger(20), Blackbird(21), Second Child(22), Yellow-breast(23), Mountain(26), Tiger(27), First Fish(29), Third Child(33), Road(35)
Twinkle: Elephant(1), Second Child(4), Sheep(5), Second Pib(13), Child(14), Big Fir Tree(16), First Mouse(17), Fern(22), Hen(23), Elm(26), Little Fish(29), Robin(33), Second Lord Jizu(34), Tiger(35)
Beth Thomas: Mother Deer(1), Owl(3), Old Mouse(9), Mother Hen(15), Mrs. Santa Claus(17), Bird(26), Queen Osa(29), Spring(33), Jackal (35), Fox(36)
Leanne Yau: Bunny Rabbit(1), Bird(7), Fox(10), Gretchen(11), Lady Moon(12), Magpie(21), Violet(22), Boastful Bamboo(24), Sparrow(32), Lion(36)
Craig Franklin: True(2), Fourth Mouse(9), Little Calf(30), Little Old Gentleman(31), Ogre(34)
Sonia: Grasshopper(3), Lizard(6), Crow(10), Sixth Pig(13), Lion(17), Pussy(19), Crocus (22), Crow (23), Boy(24), Pantaloon(25), Fox(27), Third Fish(29), Child(32), Rabbit(33), Tiger(36), Traveler(37)
Rachel: Timid Hare(5), Mabel(6), Maiden(7), Second Mouse(9), Third Pig(13), Starling(21), Pussy Willow(22), Bobolink(23), Girl(24), Daisy(26), First Monkey(29), Squirrel(33), Child(37)
A LibriVox Volunteer: Deer(5), Little Fish(8), Child(13), Baby Miss(14), Second Chick(15), Little Bird(16), Elephant(17), Wiseman(20), Turtledove(21), Little Girl(30)
Diane Alailima: Brother Hare(5), Little Fir Tree(16), Jack-in-the-box(17), Little Boy(23), Second Fish(29), Trees(33), Lord Jizu(34), Buffalo(35)
April6090: Wolf(6), Woolly Dog(17), New Year(19), Wise Owl(21), Dog(23), Second Monkey(29), Fox(33)
SuperCoconut: Third Mouse(9)
Chuck Williamson: Tiger(17), Cuckoo(23), Third Monkey(29), Thrush(33)
Abby: Mary(22), First Child(33)
Sarah Jennings: Second Child(33)

Narrated by: David Olson
Edited by: David Olson, Tomas Peter, Rachel, A LibriVox Volunteer, Linette Geisel, Chuck Williamson

Estás escuchando Little Dramas for Primary Grades - Ada M. Skinner, Lillian Nixon Lawrence.
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