Audiolibro: Calumet “K”

Calumet “K” cover

Calumet “K”

1 - Chapter 01


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"A novel, with several elements of rather unusual interest. As a tale, it is swift, simple, and absorbing, and one does not willingly put it down until it is finished. It has to do with grain-elevator business, with railways, strikes, and commercial and financial matters generally, woven skillfully into a human story of love." --The Commercial Advertiser

"'Calumet "K"' is a novel that is exciting and absorbing, but not the least bit sensational. It is the story of a rush.... The book is an unusually good story; one that shows the inner workings of the labor union, and portrays men who are the bone and sinew of the earth."--The Toledo Blade.

"The heroine in this case is the hero's stenographer; but the action of the story grows out of the attempt of rival capitalists and grain men to balk the building of a grain elevator by a set date." --The Burlington Free Press

(Excerpts from the advertising material at the end of "The Merry Anne" by Samuel Merwin)<

Note: This book contains racial comments that may be offensive to modern listeners.

Estás escuchando Calumet “K” - Samuel Merwin, Henry Kitchell Webster.
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