Audiobooks Genres : War Stories

Fringes Of The Fleet
Rudyard Kipling

Toussaint L’Ouverture: A Biography and Autobiography
John Relly Beard

Saint Évangile selon Saint Marc

In the Line of Battle
Walter Wood

Leo Tolstoy

Normans in European History
Charles Homer Haskins

Last Ditch
Violet Hunt

Canada's Hundred Days: With the Canadian Corps from Amiens to Mons, Aug. 8 - Nov. 11, 1918. Part 4, Valenciennes to Mons
John Frederick Bligh Livesay

Explorer in the Air Service
Hiram Bingham

Cellar-House of Pervyse
Elsie Knocker

Eighteen Months in the War Zone: A Record of a Woman's Work on the Western Front
Kate John Finzi

Henry Wirz, Commander of Andersonville Confederate Prison: Trial and Execution
United States Army Staff Judge Advocate