Audiobook: "Mind The Paint" Girl

"Mind The Paint" Girl cover

"Mind The Paint" Girl

1 - Act 1


Audiobooks Genres



Another Pinero play from the early 1900s. With a social message about the effects of stardom on the star as well as those that love them. "Iā€™m afraid thereā€™s one thing finer than winning the woman you love and, when youā€™ve won her, being prepared to go through fire and water for her." "Whatā€™s that?" "Having the courage to give her up" - Summary by ToddHW

Cast list:
Viscount Farncombe: Tomas Peter
Colonel the Hon. Arthur Stidulph: alanmapstone
Baron von Rettenmayer: Nemo
Captain Nicholas Jeyes: Campbell Schelp
Lionel Roper: Hamlet
Sam de Castro: Aaron White
Herbert Fulkerson: FrƩdƩric Surget
Stewart Heneage: KevinS
Gerald Grimwood: April 6090
Carlton Smythe (Manager of the Pandora Theatre): James Thomas
Albert Palk (Actor at the Pandora): Sandra Schmit
Wilfrid Tavish (Actor at the Pandora): Philip Watson
Vincent Bland (A Musical Composer, attached to the Pandora): ToddHW
Morris Cooling (Business Manager at the Pandora): Jim Locke
Luigi (MaĆ®tre dā€™hĆ“tel at Cataniā€™s Restaurant): Pier
The Hon. Mrs. Arthur Stidulph (Formerly, as Dolly Ensor, of the Pandora Theatre): TJ Burns
Lily Parradell (Of the Pandora): Foon
Jimmie Birch (Of the Pandora): Sonia
Gabrielle Kato (Of the Pandora): Pauline Latournerie
Enid Moncrieff (Of the Pandora): Leanne Yau
Daphne Dure (Of the Pandora): EmmaHatton
Nita Trevenna (Of the Pandora): Lex Hankins
Flo Connify (One of Four Beauties Of the Pandora): Eva Davis
Sybil Dermott (One of Four Beauties Of the Pandora): Availle
Olga Cook (One of Four Beauties Of the Pandora): Devorah Allen
Evangeline Ventris (One of Four Beauties Of the Pandora): Elsie Selwyn
Mrs. Upjohn (Lily Parradellā€™s mother): DuckTD
Gladys (Lilyā€™s parlourmaid): Eva Davis
Maud (Lilyā€™s maid): Leanne Yau
Stage Directions: Larry Wilson
Edited by: ToddHW

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