Audiobook: Life of Abraham Lincoln, Volume 2

Life of Abraham Lincoln, Volume 2 cover

Life of Abraham Lincoln, Volume 2

1 - The First Inauguration of Lincoln - The Relief of Fort Sumter - Seward's Ambition to Control the Administration, Part 1


Audiobooks Genres



Volume 2 of Ida Tarbell's biography of Lincoln begins at chapter 22 with Lincoln's first inauguration, and ends with an account of his funeral. The volume also includes a lengthy appendix which contains, in chronological order, letters. telegrams and speeches of Lincoln which had not been previously published.
Tarbell, in addition to her famous work in investigative journalism (in particular, her influential expose of The Standard Oil Company), was a noted Lincoln scholar. Her writings on Lincoln, originally published as articles in McClure's Magazine, were highly acclaimed. - Summary by Ciufi Galeazzi

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