Audiobook: Life and Death of Mr. Badman


Audiobooks Genres



Seventeenth-century Puritan theologian John Bunyan wrote The Life and Death of Mr. Badman as a companion piece to The Pilgrimā€™s Progress, the literary work for which Bunyan is best remembered. Although both works are Christian allegories that provide the reader with moral and spiritual instruction, The Pilgrimā€™s Progress accomplishes this goal primarily via the positive example of the protagonist, while The Life and Death of Mr. Badman does the opposite; Pilgrim is ultimately destined for heaven, while Mr. Badman is destined for hell.
The two works also differ in their format. Pilgrimā€™s story is presented as a dream sequence, while Mr. Badmanā€™s story is instead told via a dialogue between two other characters: Mr. Wiseman, who relates Mr. Badmanā€™s narrative and draws life lessons from it, and Mr. Attentive, who asks prompting questions and makes comments on the tale he hears. Throughout the story, Bunyan details a variety of Mr. Badmanā€™s sins including lying, swearing, and Sabbath-breaking.
Despite its length, the original text was one continuous narrative without chapter breaks. This LibriVox production is presented as dialogue by two readers and divided into smaller parts for convenience.
- Summary by David Purdy

Preface and narration, voiced by KevinS
Mr Attentive, voiced by David Purdy
Mr Wiseman, voiced by Larry Wilson

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