Audiobook: Heath Hover Mystery

Heath Hover Mystery cover

Heath Hover Mystery

1 - The Door in the Corner


Audiobooks Genres



A stranger appears in the middle of the night at Heath Hover while John Seward Mervyn is tending the modest location in a wooded area near a pond. Legends abound regarding Heath Hover; legends such as one's inability to spend a full night at the Heath on certain nights of the year, and that the place was quite simply.... haunted. These were legends which Mervyn has set out to disprove. He would, however, soon find that these were but a few of the mysteries surrounding this peculiar locale. And what was beyond that cellar door that appeared to open by itself at the right (wrong) times? A trip to the other side of the world might just hold the answers to the Heath Hover mystery. ( Roger Melin)

You are listening Heath Hover Mystery - Bertram Mitford.
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