Audiobook: Glory in the Grey

Glory in the Grey cover

Glory in the Grey

1 - God's Second-best


Audiobooks Genres



It sometimes happens, when we are dispirited, that God's gracious gift of reviving comes to us along a very ordinary channel--in the form, perhaps, of some tonic, heartening passage found in reading, or the "morning face" and cheerful greeting of a friend. That is often all that we need--when our hurt is not serious-- to send us back with a new zest and courage to our tasks; and that is the sort of usefulness which is desired for this book.

It does not pretend to deal with the great themes or the great hours of the religious life, but only with some of its simple encouragements and ideals for everyday. There is a wide difference between the far-off flash of guidance which the sailor steers by in the darkness, and the humbler lights on board which he sees to do his work. Yet he needs them both. (From the Preface)

You are listening Glory in the Grey - Archibald Alexander.
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