Audiobook: Bridge of History Over the Gulf of Time: A Popular View of the Historical Evidence for the Truth of Christianity

Bridge of History Over the Gulf of Time: A Popular View of the Historical Evidence for the Truth of Christianity cover

Bridge of History Over the Gulf of Time: A Popular View of the Historical Evidence for the Truth of Christianity

1 - 00 - Preface


Audiobooks Genres



Written by the former skeptic, poet, and scholar, Thomas Cooper, The Bridge of History Over the Gulf of Time admirably sets forth a winsome defense of Christianity. Written as the substance of fourteen years of lectures, at the request of his hearers, Cooper leads his reader across the bridge of history, through the centuries, tracing Christianity. At last, he addresses "Leben Jesu" by Dr. David Friedrich Strauss, discusses the historicity of the four Gospels, and offers some concluding evidences for the truth of Christianity. (Introduction by tzieger)

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