Audiobook: Principles of the Christian Religion Expressed in Plain and Easy Verse


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The little verses now before the reader were written at the desire of my most worthy and honoured friend, the Reverend Mr. Clark of St. Albans, and are published at his request, as what he hopes may, by the divine blessing, do some good in the rising generation. I was the more willing to undertake the task, because I had often observed with how much ease and pleasure children learn verses by heart, how fond they are of repeating them, and, by consequence, how much longer they retain them than they do what they learn in prose. That simplicity and ease, which may suit children, I have been always careful to maintain; and have endeavoured, here and there, where I conveniently could, to strike the fancy with a little imagery, and especially to affect the hearts of my dear little scholars, by giving a serious and practical turn to the several truths which are delivered. It has also been my great care to insert nothing into these verses but what I apprehend the generality of serious Christians believe, so that I hope they will suit different denominations ; as indeed I could wish the rising age might be instructed in what is like to unite, rather than divide, us. Their own comfort, as well as the credit of our common Christianity, is much concerned in it. (From the Preface)

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