Audiobook: My Trip Abroad

My Trip Abroad cover

My Trip Abroad

1 - I Decide to Play Hookey


Audiobooks Genres



"A steak and kidney pie, influenza and a cablegram. There is the triple alliance that is responsible for the whole thing."

So begins Charlie Chaplin's My Trip Abroad, a travel memoir charting the actor-director's semi-spontaneous visit to Europe. Fresh off the success of 1921's The Kid, Chaplin decides to "play hookey" after his seven year stay in Hollywood. He return to his native Europe as an international superstar, beloved by fans and hounded by reporters. The "triple alliance" of the book's opening line sends Chaplin on an whirlwind tour through Great Britain, Germany, and France -- and the results are both funny and insightful. My Trip Abroad gives us an intimate and moving portrait of a Hollywood legend.

Published in the UK as My Wonderful Visit.

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