Audiobook: Bible (YLT) NT 01: Matthew

Bible (YLT) NT 01: Matthew cover

Bible (YLT) NT 01: Matthew

1 - Chapter 1


Audiobooks Genres



This Bible version tries to stay as close to the original Hebrew and Greek texts as possible. As stated in the preface to the second edition, "If a translation gives a present tense when the original gives a past, or a past when it has a present; a perfect for a future, or a future for a perfect; an a for a the, or a the for an a; an imperative for a subjunctive, or a subjunctive for an imperative; a verb for a noun, or a noun for a verb, it is clear that verbal inspiration is as much overlooked as if it had no existence. THE WORD OF GOD IS MADE VOID BY THE TRADITIONS OF MEN."

The Gospel of Matthew relates the life and Ministry of Jesus, with a focus on Jesus' deity and fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies. (Summary by TriciaG)

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