Audiobook: Fresh Every Hour


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This book is best described by its subtitle: “DETAILING the Adventures, Comic and Pathetic of one Jimmy Martin, Purveyor of Publicity, a Young Gentleman Possessing Sublime Nerve, Whimsical Imagination, Colossal Impudence, and, Withal the Heart of a Child.” Jimmy, press agent extraordinaire, conjures up outlandish and truth-stretching publicity stunts for an amusement park, theaters and performers, often with unexpected and amusing results. Despite his foibles, Jimmy presses on in pursuit of career success and of pretty Lolita Murphy of Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
The author, an American writer (and theatrical press agent himself) was a founding member of the legendary Algonquin Round Table and was reputed to have suggested the name for “The New Yorker” magazine. (Lee Smalley)

You are listening Fresh Every Hour - John Peter Toohey.
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