Audiobook: Confessions, volumes 1 and 2

Confessions, volumes 1 and 2
1 - 01 - Vol. 1: "I have entered upon a performance..."
- Download 01 - Vol. 1: "I have entered upon a performance..." audio
- Download 02 - "How could I become cruel or vicious..." audio
- Download 03 - "If ever education was perfectly chaste..." audio
- Download 04 - Near thirty years passed away..." audio
- Download 05 - "I had already become a redresser of grievances..." audio
- Download 06 - "Thus before my future destination..." audio
- Download 07 - "My master had a journeyman..." audio
- Download 08 - "I never thought money so desirable..." audio
- Download 09 - "In less than a year I had exhausted..." audio
- Download 10 - Vol. 2: "The moment in which fear..." audio
- Download 11 - "Louise-Eleonore de Warens..." audio
- Download 12 - "The difficulty still remained..." audio
- Download 13 - "My pleasing inquietudes..." audio
- Download 14 - "It is understood, I believe, that a child..." audio
- Download 15 - "At length, sufficiently instructed..." audio
- Download 16 - "Walking one morning, pretty early..." audio
- Download 17 - "To return to our Aegisthus, the fluter..." audio
- Download 18 - "Madame de Vercellis never addressed a word to me..." audio
Audiobooks Genres
“Thus I have acted; these were my thoughts; such was I.”
Rousseau’s lengthy and sometimes anguished dossier on the Self is one of the most remarkable and courageous works of introspection ever undertaken. Some readers may be repelled by his tendency to revel in embarrassing accounts of humiliation and fiasco, as if he were striving too hard to achieve an ultimate nakedness, a nakedness of the soul perhaps. Others may recall the compulsive self-searching of the narrator of Proust’s A la recherche du temps perdu, who also rather dwelt on the co-existence in the individual of the vile and the virtuous.
The two opening volumes of the Confessions, presented in this inevitably censored edition of 1903, deal with the author’s childhood and callow adolescence.
Here he is... (Summary by Martin Geeson)
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