Audiobook: Charles Rex

Charles Rex cover

Charles Rex

1 - Part 1 Chapters 1-3


Audiobooks Genres



Excerpt: "Saltash was thoroughly cosmopolitan in his tastes; he liked amusement but he abhorred boredom. He was never really wicked unless he was bored. And then- que voulez vous? He did not guide the star of destiny."

On his last night in Valrosa, Saltash (Charles Rex) returns to his luxurious yacht to find a stowaway, a young woman disguised as a boy. She pleads to be kept by him in order to escape from her abuser. Although ill used by life she is still very pure and Saltash falls head over heels in love with her. She in turn adores him but he feels unworthy of her. Torn by a sense of duty and fairness he tries to marry her off to someone he believes would be a more suitable match. Romance and mystery, a delightful sprinkle of humour and wit, and wonderful characters make this an emotional read that you will not soon forget. - Summary by Celine Major

You are listening Charles Rex - Ethel M. Dell.
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