Audiobook: Aladdin, Or, The Wonderful Lamp (A Dramatic Poem, in Two Parts)

Aladdin, Or, The Wonderful Lamp (A Dramatic Poem, in Two Parts)
1 - Preface, Dedication, and Cast List
Audiobooks Genres
This retelling of Aladdin in dramatic verse begins in the humble home of a tailor, whose son spends his days in idleness and brings his parents nothing but grief. Soon, however, this son is brought to a magical grotto, where he finds a great treasure which will bring him his fortune. This story will have some twists and turns that are almost certain to be different from the story you know. - Summary by Devorah Allen
Tomas Peter: Aladdin
Jenn Broda: Gulnare, the Princess
Michele Eaton: Nurse to Gulnare
Availle: Morgiana, Aladdin's Mother
Algy Pug: Soliman, the Sultan
Tommy Hersant: Vizir to Soliman
Adrian Stephens: Saladin, betrothed to Gulnare
ToddHW: The Enchanter, Noureddin
VocalPenguin: Hindbad, Noureddin's brother
Sonia: Spirit of the Lamp
Phil Schempf: Spirit of the Ring
Donzo: Selim
Tindra: Slave
Gerald Moe: Jester
HelenaDiamandiz: Court Jew
Diane Castillo: Old Man
czandra: Second Courtier
Chuck Williamson: Servant of the Court
Anya: Captain of the Body Guard
Eleonora Bettenzoli: Spider
Kristine Wales: Voice of the Trees
Linda Olsen Fitak: First Fairy
Twinkle: Peasant; Second Fairy
ambsweet13: Zephyr; Second Elf
FreckleFriday: Bedreddin; Lympha, a Fairy
Thoria: Master Mason; First Courtier; Deathwatch
Pier: First Lord of the Treasury; Strength, a Giant
Michael L. Hooper: Second Lord of the Treasury
Tchaikovsky: Architect; Apothecary; Owner of the House
Lydia: Zulima, Soliman's Wife; Peribanou, Queen of the Fairies; Fatima
Doug Fajardo: Sindbad; Grocer; Sentinel; Laborer; Headsman
David Purdy: Ali; Casem; Goldsmith; Sculptor; First Elf; Good Spirits
Devorah Allen: Nightingale; Melpomene; Female Bird; Beauty, a Fairy
Alan Mapstone: Mustapha, Aladdin's Father; An Old Jew; Ali Baba, an Astrologer; Coppersmith; Headsman's Assistant; Minstrel; Male Bird; The Water Spirit; Wicked Spirits
Wayne Cooke: Narrator
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