有声读物类型 : Poetry
John Drinkwater
Short Poetry Collection 191
Wheels - The First Cycle
Henry James, Edith Sitwell, Osbert Sitwell, Nancy Cunard, Edward Wyndham Tennant, Sacheverell Sitwell, Iris Tree, Victor Tait Perowne, Helen Rootham
Shapes and Shadows
Madison Cawein
Fairy Changeling and Other Poems
Dora Sigerson Shorter
Poems and Ballads
Heinrich Heine
London Lyrics
Frederick Locker-Lampson
By the Sea, and Other Verses
Hannah Lavinia Baily
Sonnets of Shakespeare's Ghost
Thomas George Tucker
Ardours and Endurances
Robert Nichols
Songs Ysame
Annie Fellows Johnston, Albion Fellows Bacon
Poems & Parodies
Tom Kettle