Episode: Ep24: Channelling 1: Laia Estruch

Ep24: Channelling 1: Laia Estruch cover

Ep24: Channelling 1: Laia Estruch

1 - Channelling 1: Laia Estruch


Published at: 2/25/2024

Author: Arif Kornweitz & Radna Rumping


Channelling. Be a vehicle. A path. A hole. Go. Let go. Make way for something to happen. Something, the other. Be others. Guide. Make room and draw a line. Mark a step. Divide. Contain. Carry from one place to another. Create. A plan, a landscape, a spectrum, a call. 'Channelling' connects the medium of audio with other realms. Logistics, infrastructure, landscape transformation. As a practice, channelling takes many forms: tapping into otherwise unheard voices, an invocation, a form of transmission. In this online collective exhibition, three artists explore channelling through sound. Curated by Andrea González, with works by Laia Estruch, Anahit, and Ainhoa Hernández Escudero. Channelling 1: Laia Estruch 31 October 19.00 jajajaneeneenee.com Reflexiones Impro Plato, 22 julio, 2022, 20 min 43s Reflexiones Copicat, 22 julio, 2022, 10 min 32s The voice and the body are the elements that structure Laia Estruch's research, an artistic practice situated between sculpture and performance. Laia Estruch conceives of the voice as a sculptural medium, a vehicle with the power to synthesise and render audible. Her projects delve into the emotional potential of a capella and the untheatrical body, exploring the performative nature of language, sound recording, and its oral archive. Laia presents two pieces in which her voice voices: multiplies again into other voices through matter. In "Reflexiones Impro Plato," July 22, 2022, Laia reverberates her voice with a cymbal. Crouched beneath the cymbal, the improvised voice bounces and resonates. In "Reflexiones Copicat," July 22, 2022, she manipulates the recording while she records, creating loops and feedback.


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Arif Kornweitz & Radna Rumping
Contemporary art podcast hosted by Arif Kornweitz & Andrea Gonzalez. Get in touch with us through in...
