有声读物: Multilingual Short Works Collection 024 - Poetry & Prose

Multilingual Short Works Collection 024 - Poetry & Prose cover

Multilingual Short Works Collection 024 - Poetry & Prose

1 - Ancient Greek - Δέδυκε μὲν ἀ σελάννα [Dèdyke mèn a selànna], Fragment 168 B





This is a collection of short pieces, poetry or prose, fiction and non-fiction, in several different languages (except standard English) as listed below. All chosen and recorded by Librivox volunteers. - Summary by ToddHW

1. Ancient Greek - Δέδυκε μὲν ἀ σελάννα [Dèdyke mèn a selànna], Fragment 168 B
0:43 - Sappho
Key Words: multilingual, ancient greek, poetry, sappho, moon, melancholy, sadness, loneliness
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2. Czech - Přetékající pohár
1:00 - František Gellner
Key words: poetry, symbolism, friendship, hope
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3. German - Der vergeßliche Stadtschreiber
1:58 - Wilhelm Busch
Key words: wit, Humor
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4. Hindi - मानवाधिकारों की सार्वभौम घोषणा [Maanavaadhikaaron kee saarvabhaum ghoshana]
17:07 - United Nations
Key words: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, human rights, international law
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5. Italian - Non ha l’ottimo artista alcun concetto
1:23 - Michelangelo Buonarroti
Key Words: multilingual, italian, michelangelo, buonarroti, art, sculpture, love, romantic, courtship
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6. Italian - Sogni e favole io fingo, e pure in carte
1:31 - Pietro Metastasio
Key Words: multilingual, italian, metastasio, art, fiction, dream, self-deception, truth, reality
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7. Latin - Carmen III.30
2:11 - Quintus Horatius Flaccus
Key words: multilingual, latin, horatius, horace, carmina, odes, poetry, immortality, fame, non omnis moriar
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8. Latin - Carmen 16: Pædicabo ego vos et inrumabo
1:27 - Gaius Valerius Catullus
Key Words: multilingual, latin, catullus, carmina, poetry, morality, invective, obscenity, prophanity, censorship, explicit sexual content
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9. Latin - Metamorphōseōn Epilogue
1:39 - Publius Ovidius Naso
Key Words: multilingual, latin, ovidius, ovid, metamorphoses, poetry, immortality, fame
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10. Luxembourgish - Un d'Nuôchtegeilchen
1:09 - Michel Lentz
Key words: poetry, romantic, sadness, nightingale
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11. Marathi - मानवी अधिकाराचा जागतिक जाहीरनामा [Mānavī adhikārācā jāgatika jāhīranāmā]
17:14 - United Nations
Key words: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, human rights, international law
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12. Polish - Rozdziobią nas kruki, wrony...
19:36 - Stefan Żeromski
Key words: opowiadanie, powstanie, walka
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13. Portuguese - Declaração Universal dos Direitos Humanos
16:04 - United Nations,
Key words: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, human rights, international law
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14. Russian - Ашик-Кериб [Ashik-Kerib]
26:50 - Михаил Юрьевич Лермонтов
Key Words: Russian, fairy tale, Turkish
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15. Russian - Женское международное движение. Сборник статей [Zhenskoye mezhdunarodnoye dvizheniye. Sbornik statey]
29:52 - various authors
Key words: third international socialist women's conference at Berne, women’s movement (Russia, Bulgaria, Australia, Switzerland, Spain, UK, Yugoslavia, including Serbia, Croatia and Bosnia), feminism, political reforms, first-wave feminism, women’s rights, socialist workers’ party, marxism, socialist women, equal opportunities
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16. Russian - Памятник [Pamyatnik]
1:52 - Гавриил (Гаврила) Романович Державин
Key words: Russian poetry, Neoclassicism, Enlightened absolutism, Exegi monumentum, Памятник, подражание Горацию
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17. Russian - Скифы [Skify]
5:43 - Alexander Blok
Key words: Russian, poetry, Silver age, symbolism, struggle, survival
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18. Russian - Я памятник себе воздвиг нерукотворный… [Ya pamyatnik sebe vozdvig nerukotvorny...]
1:49 - Александр Сергеевич Пушкин
Key words: Russian poetry, Neoclassicism, Romantic era, Exegi monumentum, Памятник, подражание Горацию
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19. Serbian - Општа декларација о правима човека [Opšta Deklaracija O Pravima Čoveka]
14:16 - United Nations
Key words: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, human rights, international law
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20. Ukrainian and Russian - Ворона и рак [Vorona i rak]
1:25 - unknown author
Key words: flattery, fable, Russian fable, crow, crawfish, crayfish
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