有声读物: The Red Badge of Courage

The Red Badge of Courage cover

The Red Badge of Courage

1 - Chapter – 01





The Red Badge of Courage is a fiction that tells the story of a soldier named Henry Fleming during the American Civil War. The novel gained widespread praise from critics and was also a commercial success shortly after its release and made Stephen Crane an instant celebrity at the young age of 24.

In the novel, Henry was one of the enlisted soldiers in the 304th New York Regiment. He flees from battle in one of the skirmishes they had against the Confederates and to hide his cowardice, he attempted to inflict a wound to himself which is referred to as the “red badge of courage.” He got the wound that he wants to have when he joins a group of fellow soldiers retreating from the battlefield. One of them accidentally hit his head with a rifle butt and wounded him. When he came back to their camp, the other soldiers there quickly treated his wound believing that he got it during the battle. After this incident, he again went back to the battlefield and was able to prove that he was really a capable solider.

Most critics praise this novel because of the very realistic way in which Crane was able to describe all the battle scenes in the story. He was born after the Civil War and had not even experienced a fight in any war. It’s very interesting to know that Crane was able to write a very realistic novel about the War just by reading other novels about it and listening to the stories told by war veterans in New York.

Readers who are into historical war novels will definitely have a great time reading this book. Although it’s a work of fiction, its contents are very realistic and accurate. This is very important especially for a story with a historical setting. This book will definitely not disappoint anyone who’s looking to read a good novel about the Civil War.

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